
Saturday, January 14, 2017

Completing Sentences for Class Nine, Ten & SSC

1.    1971 is the years when we got our independence.  (1971 mvj nq GKwU ermi hLb Avgiv ¯^vaxbvZv jvf K‡iwQjvg)
2.    All that glitters is not gold.(PKPK Kwi‡jB ¯^Y© nq bv)
3.    A Patriot is he who loves his country.(‡h †`k‡K fvjev‡m †m †`k‡cÖwgK)
4.    A man who is drowning in water catches at a straw. (GKRb gvbyl †h Wy‡e hvq †m LoLy‡Uv a‡i †e‡Pu _vKvi †Póv K‡i|)
5.    As soon as we saw him he ran away.
(‡hBgvÎ Avgiv Zv‡K †`Ljvg †mBgvÎ †m cvwj‡q †Mj|)
6.    As she was ill, she could not attend the meeting.(‡h‡nZz †m Amy¯’ wQj ,†m Av‡jvPbvq Askn«nb Ki‡Z cvwiwb|)
7.    As I have not enough time, I cannot talk to you.(‡h‡nZz Avgvi h‡_ó mgq †bB ZvB Avwg †Zvgvi mv‡_ K_v ej‡Z cvwi bv|)
8.    As it rained, he could not attend the meeting.  (‡h‡nZz e„wó n‡qwQj,†m Av‡jvPbvq Dcw¯’Z _vK‡Z  cv‡iwb|)
9.    A man is known by the company he keeps.(m½ †`‡LB gvbyl †Pbv hvq|)
10.As soon as he got the telegrame he left for home. (‡hBgvÎ †m †UwjMÖvg †cj †mBgvÎ ‡m evox P‡j †Mj|)
11.Be truthful if you like to be honoured by all and sundry. (mZ¨ev`x nI hw` Zzwg mevi KvQ †_‡K m¤§vb †c‡Z PvI|)
12. But for your help I could not have succeeded. (Avwg hw` †Zvgvi mvnvh¨ bv †cZvg Avwg mvdj¨ jvf Ki‡Z cviZvg bv)
13. Choose the career that you like. (K¨vwiqvi cQ›` Ki hv Zzwg cQ›` Ki|)
14. Crops did not grow well, as it did not rain in time.(dmj fvj R‡b¥wb Kvib mgqgZ e„wó nqwb|)
15. Danger comes where night falls.(‡hLv‡b ev‡Ni fq †mLv‡b ivZ nq)
16. God helps those who help themselves.
(Avj­vn Zv‡K mvnvh¨ K‡ib †h wb‡R wb‡R‡K mvnvh¨ K‡i|)
17. Had I been a rich man I would have established a college. (hw` Avwg abx nZvg Zvn‡j Avwg K‡jR cÖwZwôv KiZvg)
18. Had I been there I would have protested.
(Avwg hw` †mLv‡b _vKZvg Zvn‡j Avwg cÖwZev` KiZvg)
19. Had I seen him I would have saluted him.
(Avwg hw` Zv‡K †`LZvg Avwg Zv‡K Awfev`b RvbvZvg)
20. Had I seen  him once more, I would have seen him. (hw` Avwg Zv‡K Avi GKevi †`LZvg Avwg Zv‡K ej‡Z cviZvg)
21. Had I the wings of a bird, I would fly.
(Avgvi hw` cvwLi gZ Wvbv _vKZ Avwg AvKv‡k Do‡Z cviZvg)
22. Had I wing of a dove I would have flown in the sky.(Avgvi hw` NyNyi gZ Wvbv _vKZ Zvn‡j Avwg AvKv‡k Do‡Z cviZvg|
23. Hardly had he reached the college when the rain started.( †m K‡j‡R ‡cŠQv‡Z bv ‡cŠQv‡Z e„wó Avi¤¢ n‡jv)
24. Hardly had I reached the station when the train left.
(Avwg †÷k‡b ‡cŠQv‡Z bv ‡cŠQv‡Z †UªbwU †Q‡o †Mj|)
25. Have you seen the house where he lives.(Zzwg wK ‡`‡LQ †m †Kv_vq _vK)
26. He fails in the examination because he is not attentive to study.(‡m cix¶vq †dj K‡iwQj KviY †m cov‡jLvq g‡bv‡hvM wQj bv)
27. He has enough but he wants more.(Zvi h‡_ó Av‡Q wKš‘ †m AviI PvB|)
28. He is such a man that one can trust. ‡m Ggb GKRb gvbyl hv‡K mevB wek¦vm Ki‡Z cv‡i|)
29. He opened a bank account so that he could easily draw and deposit money.(‡m e¨vsK GKvD›U Ly‡jwQj hv‡Z †m mn‡R UvKv ivL‡Z Ges DVv‡Z cv‡i|)
30. He studies seriously enough to come out successful in the examination.( ‡m h‡_ó c‡owQj hv‡Z cix¶vq mdjZv jvf Ki‡Z cv‡i|)
31. He was given the job after he had done well in the interview.(B›UviwfD‡Z fvj Kivi ci Zv‡K PvKzix w`qv n‡qwQj|)
32. He was praised because he was honest and efficient. (‡m cÖkswmZ n‡qwQj KviY †m wQj mr Ges `¶)
33. He was punished because he stole a book.
(Zv‡K kvw¯Í †`Iqv n‡qwQj KviY †m Pzwi K‡iwQj)
34. He worked hard so that he could pass in the examination.  ( ‡m K‡Vvi cwikªg K‡iwQj hv‡Z †m cix¶vq cvk Ki‡Z cv‡i|)
35. He is sure that he will pass pass this year.(‡m wbwðZ †h †m cix¶vq cvk Ki‡e|)
36. His silence proves that he was guilty.(Zvi wbieZv cÖgvb K‡iwQj †h †m †`vlx|)
37. He pretends as if he were a mad. (‡m Ggbfvb K‡i †h †m GKRb cvMj)
38. He can lend you the money provided you will return it in time.(‡m †Zvgv‡K UvKv avi w`‡e GK k‡Z© †h Zzwg mgqgZ GUv Zv‡K †diZ w`‡e)
39. I am so busy that I cannot talk with you.
(Avwg GZ e¨¯Í †h †Zvgvi mv‡_ K_v ej‡Z cvwi bv|)
40. I am sure that he will pass.(Avwg wbwðZ †h †m cvk Ki‡e|)
41. I became so tired that I could not walk.(Avwg GZ K¬všÍ wQjvg †h Avwg nvUu‡Z cvijvg bv)
42. If I I had a degree  I would have got the job.(Avgvi hw` wWMÖx _vKZ Avwg PvKzix †cZvg|)
43. I had written the letter before you came.(Zzwg Avmvi Av‡M Avwg wPwVwU wj‡LwQjvg)
44. I have not so much time that I can spare to wait here.Avgvi nv‡Z h‡_ó mgq  †h GLv‡b A‡c¶vi Rb¨ mgq e¨q Kie|
45. I is he who is to blame.(AvwgB †m ‡h Gi Rb¨ `vqx|)     
46. I like to see the boy who stood first last year.(Avwg evjKwU‡K †`L‡Z PvB †h MZermi cÖ_g n‡qwQj|)
47. If he comes I shall support him.(hw` †m Av‡m Avwg Zv‡K mg_©b †`e|)
48. If he gets more,he wants more.(hw` †m †ekx cvq †m †ekx PvB)
49. If he had obtained Golden GPA A+,he could have got the chance into a medical college.(hw` †m †Mv‡ìb wRwcG G+ cvq †m †gwW‡Kj K‡j‡R PvÝ †cZ|)
50. If her uncles arrives she will start for school.(hw` Zvi PvPv Av‡m †m ¯‹y‡ji hv‡e|)
51. If I had a car I would go on a long drive.
(hw` Avgvi Mvox _vKZ Avwg A‡bK `~i‡Z¡i c_ AwZµg KiZvg|)
52. If I went there, we would /might/could see it.(hw` Avwg †mLv‡b †hZvg,Avgiv GUv †`L‡Z †cZvg|)
53.          If I were a king, I would help the poor.
Avwg hw` ivRv nZvg Avwg Mixe‡`i mvnvh¨ KiZvg|)
54.          If you told me the news I would be benefited.(Zzwg hw` Avgv‡K msev`wU ej‡Z Avwg DcK…Z nZvg|)
55.          If you do not waste your time you will do better in the examination.(Zzwg hw` †Zvgvi mgq bó Ki Zvn‡j Zzwg cix¶vq fvj Ki‡Z cvi‡e|)
56.          If I had met met him before,I would have recognized him.(Avwg hw` Zvi mv‡_ Av‡M †`Lv KiZvg Avwg Zv‡K wPb‡Z cviZvg)
57.          If I were a rich man I would have established a charitable dispensary.
(Avwg hw` abx nZvg Avwg GKwU `vZe¨wPwKrmvjq ¯’vcb KiZvg)
58.          If I were you.I would have helped the poor.(Avwg hw` Zzwg nZvg Avwg Mixe‡`i mvnvh¨ KiZvg)
59.          If we went there, we could meet her.
(Avgiv hw` †mLv‡b †hZvg Avgiv Zvi mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡Z cviZvg)
60.          If you came I would help him.(hw` Zzwg Avm‡Z Avwg Zv‡K mvnvh¨ KiZvg|)
61.          If you get up early, you will enough time to study.(Zzwg hw` mKv‡j DV,covïbvi Rb¨ Zzwg h‡_ó mgq cv‡e|)
62.          If you do not study regularly, you cannot prosper in life.(Zzwg hw` wbqwgZ covïbv bv Ki Zzwg Rxe‡b DbœwZ jvf Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv|)
63.          If you had finished the work, I would have paid your wages.(Zzwg hw` KvR †kl Ki‡Z Avwg †Zvgvi gRywi w`‡q w`Zvg|)
64.          If you run fast,you can catch the train.
(hw` Zzwg `ª“Z †`Šovq Zzwg †Uªb ai‡Z cvi‡e|)
65.          In case you fail in the examination,You must try again to pass.
(hw` Zzwg cix¶vq †dj Ki,Zzwg cv‡mi Rb¨ Aek¨B †Póv Ki‡e|)
66.          In spite of his riches, he is unhappy.(Zvi ab _vKv m‡ËI †m AmyLx|)
67.          It is called station where trains stop.(Bnv‡K †÷kb ejv nq †hLv‡b †Uªb _v‡g|)
68.          It is certain that he will succeed in the examination.(Bnv wbwðZ †h †m cix¶vq mvdj¨ jvf Ki‡e|)
69.          It is I who am to blame.(GB AvwgB Gi Rb¨ `vqx)
70.          It was many years  since he had left his village.(A‡bK eQi AwZµvšÍ n‡q‡Q †m Zvi MÖvg †Q‡o †M‡Q|)
71.          It is high time we started the work.(BnvB Dchy³ mgq KvRwU ïi“ Kivi Rb¨)
72.          It is not known who is the owner of this house.(Bnv ARvbv bq †h GB evoxi gvwjK|)
73.          It is true, that we were progressing day.(Bnv mZ¨ †h Avgiv w`‡bi ci w`b DbœwZ jvf KiwQ|)
74.          It matters little to me whether you study or not.
(Bnv wKQyB Av‡m hvq bv †h Zzwg cov‡jLv Ki ev bv Ki|)
75.          No one knows the date when death will come.(‡KD ZvwiL Rv‡b bv KLb g„Zz¨ Avm‡e|)
76.          No one knows what awaits ahead of him. (‡KD  Rv‡b bv Zvi mvg‡b wK A‡c¶v Ki‡Q|)
77.          No sooner had he come than he went away.(‡m bv Avm‡Z Avm‡ZB †m P‡j †Mj|)
78.          No sooner had he reached the station than the train left.(‡m †÷k‡b †cŠQv‡Z bv †cŠQv‡ZB †UªbwU †Q‡o †Mj|)
79.          No sooner had he reached the school than the bell rang.(‡m ¯‹z‡j bv †cŠQuv‡Z bv †cŠQvu‡ZB ¯‹z‡ji N›Uv †e‡R DVj|)
80.          No sooner had the doctor gone than the patient died.(Wv³vi Avm‡Z bv Avm‡ZB †ivMx gviv †Mj|)
81.          Read attentively lest you should fail in the examination.(cov‡jLv g‡bv‡hv‡Mi mv‡_ Ki bZzev cix¶vq †dj Ki‡e|)
82.          Read diligently lest you should should fail in the examiantion.(cov‡jLv AvšÍwiKZvi mv‡_ Ki bZzev cix¶vq †dj Ki‡e|)
83.          Read the book attentively if you want to understand the story well.(cov‡jLv g‡bv‡hv‡Mi mv‡_ Ki hw` Zywg MíwU fvj K‡i eyS‡Z PvI|)
84.          Ripa hopes that she wil pass in the examination.(wicv Avkv K‡i †h †m cix¶vq cvk Ki‡e|)
85.          Saturday is the day when we enjoy a holiday.(kwbevi n‡”Q GKwU w`b hLb Avgiv eÜ Dc‡fvM Kwi|)
86.          Scarcely had I entered the examination hall when the bell rang.
(cix¶vi n‡j cÖ‡ek Ki‡Z bv Ki‡ZB N›Uv w`‡q w`j|)
87.          Scarcely had we reached school when it began to rain.(¯‹z‡j †cŠQv‡Z bv †cŠQv‡ZB e„wó ïi“ nj|)
88.          Sadnan is one of the students who has done good in the S.S.C Examination.
(mv`bvb A‡bK Qv‡Îi g‡a¨ GKRb †h Gm,Gm.wm cix¶vq fvj K‡iwQj|)
89.          Scarcely had we reached the stadium when the game started.(‡÷wWqv‡g †cŠQv‡Z bv †cŠQv‡ZB †Ljv ïi“ nj|)
90.          Selected people are allowed to come here as it is the Royal Palace.(wbav©wiZ †jv‡KivB  hvevi AbygwZ cv‡e †h‡nZz Bnv GKwU  ivRcÖvmv`)   
91.          Shima tells the matter as if he knew everything.(mxgv Ggbfv‡e K_v e‡jwQj †hb †m mewKQy Rv‡b|)
92.          She tells the matter as if he knew everything.(‡m Ggb fv‡e e‡jwQj †h †m mewKQy Rv‡b|)
93.          She was punished despite her innocence. (Zv‡K kvw¯Í †`Iqv n‡qwQj Zvi wb®úvc _vKv m‡Ë¡I|)
94.          Since the weather was bad I did not go outside.(‡h‡nZz AvenvIqv Lvivc wQj Avwg evB‡i †h‡Z cvijvg bv)
102. The man who loves his country is called a patriot. (‡h †jvK †`k‡K fvjev‡m †m †`k‡cÖwgK|)
103. The old man walks slowly lest he should stumble on the way.(e„ׇjvKwU ax‡i nv‡Uu bB‡j †m †nvPV LvB‡Z cv‡i|)
104. The teachers are helpful that the results of our school will be good. (wk¶K¸‡jv AvšÍwiK †h ¯‹z‡ji djvdj fvj n‡e|)
105. The load is so heavy that the old man cannot lift it.(‡evSvwU GZ fvix wQj †h e„ׇjvKwU Zzj‡Z cvij bv|)
106. The water that we drink ,must be pure.(‡h cvwb hv Avgiv cvb Kwi,Aek¨B weï× n‡Z n‡e|)
107. They came here in order that they might meet her.Zviv GLv‡b G‡mwQj hv‡Z Zviv Zvi mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡Z cv‡i|)
108. They walked fast lest they should miss the class.
  (Zviv `ªyZ nvUwQj  ‡hb Zv‡`i‡K †Uªb †c‡Z e¨_© n‡Z bv nq|)
109. They will not go out until I permit.
Zviv hv‡e bv hZ¶b ch©šÍ bv Avwg AbygwZ †`B|)
111. This is the house that we purchased last year.(GB nq evox hv Avgiv MZermi µq K‡iwQjvg|)
112. Though the boy is intelligent, he cannot pass in the exam.(hw`I evjKwU eyw×gvb †m cix¶vq cvk Ki‡Z cv‡i bv|
113. Thouh he is needy he is honest.(hw`I †m Afvex,†m mr|)
114. Unless you assist him,he will not go on with his studies.(hw` Zzwg Zv‡K mvnvh¨ bv Ki †m Zvi cov‡jLv Pvwj‡q †h‡Z cvi‡e bv|)
115. Unless you study hard, you cannot do well in the examination.(hw` cwikªg bv Ki Zzwg cix¶vh fvj Ki‡Z cvi bv|)
116. Unless you work hard you cannot prosper in life.(hw` cwikªg bv Ki Zzwg Rxe‡b DbœwZ  Ki‡Z cvi bv|)
117. We cannot keep our body fit unless we take a balanced diet.
(Avgiv Avgv‡`i kixi‡K h_vDchy³ ivL‡Z cvwi bv hw` bv mylg Lv`¨ bv LvB|)
118. We close the doors when we go to bed.(Avgiv `iRv eÜ Kwi hLb Avgiv weQvbvq hvB|)
119. We hope to fare well in the examiantion since we are regular in studies.(Avgiv cix¶vq fvj Kivi cÖZ¨vkv Kwi †h‡nZz Avgiv cov‡jLvq g‡bv‡hvMx|)
120. We must succeded so long our purpose is honest.(Avgv‡`i Aek¨B mdjZv †c‡Z n‡e hZ¶b ch©šÍ Avgv‡`i D‡Ïk¨ mr bv nq|)
121. When he arrived I completed my home work.(hLb †m †cŠ‡QwQj  Avwg Avgvi evoxi KvR m¤ú~Y© K‡iwQjvg)
122. We should put out the lamp when we go to bed.(Avgv‡`i evwZwU wbwf‡q †`Iqv DwPZ hLb Avgiv weQvbvq hvB|)
123. When the rain stopped we went out.(hLb e„wó _vgj Avgiv evB‡i †Mjvg|)
124. We walked fast lest we should miss the train.(Avgiv `ªyZ nvUwQjvg hv‡Z Avgiv †UªbwU †c‡Z e¨_© bv nB|)
125. When he came to the school building, everybody saluted him.(hLb †m ¯‹zj wewìs Avmj cÖ‡Z¨‡K Zv‡K Awfev`b Rvbvj|)126. When the rain stopped, we started for school.(hLb e„wó †_‡g †Mj Avgiv ¯‹y‡ji Rb¨ iIbv njvg|)
127. Wait here till I come back.(Avwg bv Avmv ch©šÍ GLv‡b A‡c¶v Ki|)
128. We eat so that we may live.(Avgiv LvB hv‡Z Avgiv evPu‡Z cvwi|)
129. Where there is a will, there is a way.(B”Qv _vK‡j Dcvq nq|)
130. Would that I would see him again.(hw` Ggb n‡Zv Avwg Zv‡K Avevi †`L‡Z †cZvg)
131. Would you mind taking a cup of tea.(Avgv‡K hw` GK Kvc Pv w`‡Zb|)
132. You can not take a good book as if it were a medicine.
(Zzwg GKwU fvj eB‡K   wb‡Z cvi bv †hb GKwU Jla|)
133. You can rise early after you have gone to bed early.
(Zzwg mKv‡j Nyg †_‡K DV‡Z cvi Av‡M Av‡M weQvbvq †M‡j|)
134. You can stay here as long as it does not stop rains.
(Zzwg GLv‡b _vK‡Z cvi hZ¶b ch©šÍ bv e„wó bv _v‡g|
135. You will wait here until I return.(Avwg bv wd‡i Avmv ch©šÍ GLv‡b A‡c¶v Ki‡e|)    
136. Though Bangladesh has limited natural resources,she has a large population.
(hw`I evsjv‡`‡k cÖvK…wZK m¤ú` mxwgZ Zvi Av‡Q cÖPzi RbmsL¨v|)
95. Since the boy broke the discipline he was punished severely.
(‡h‡nZz evjKwU k„sLjv f½ K‡iwQj ZvB Zv‡K kvw¯Í †`Iqv n‡qwQj|)
96. Since they played well, they won the match.
(‡h‡nZz Zviv fvj †L‡jwQj Zviv Rq jvf K‡iwQj|)
97. Strike the iron when it is hot.(h_v cÖ¯‘wZ †bI  hLb Dchy³ mgq nq)
98. Tell me what you know about the matter.Avgv‡K ej Zzwg e¨vcviwU m¤ú©‡K wK Rvb)
99. That is honest he is respected by all. (‡h mr †m mevi Kv‡Q m¤§vwbZ nb|)
100.Ten years have passed since his faher died.
(10 ermi AwZµg n‡q‡Q Zvi evev gviv wM‡qwQj|)
101. The  dress you gave was very attractive.
(‡h †cvkvKwU Zzwg w`‡qwQj Zv wQj AZ¨šÍ AvK©lbxq|)
137. Phone me if you need something.(Avgv‡K †dvb Ki‡e hw` †Zvgvi `iKvi nq|)
138. United we stand divided we fall.(GKZvi DÌvb we‡f‡` cZb|)
139. The more you read the more you learn.(hZB co‡e ZZB wkL‡e|)
140. What is lotted cannot be blotted.(fv‡M¨i wjLb bv hvq LÛb|)
141. I don’t know what he wants.(‡m wK PvB Zv Avwg Rvwb bv)
142. You will fail unless you work hard.(Zzwg †dj Ki‡e hw` K‡Vvi cwikªg bv Ki|)
143. Walk fast lest you should fail the train.(`ªyZ nvU bZzev †Uªb †dj Ki‡e|)
144. Go quickly lest you should fail to cash your cheque.
(ZvovZvwo Pj bZzev †Zvgvi †P‡K UvKv †c‡Z e¨_© n‡e|)